Book and Beer 本とビアー


Edge of Eternity Deluxe: Book Three of The Century Trilogy

Edge of Eternity (The Century Trilogy)

Edge of Eternity (The Century Trilogy)



Finally, eventually I finished reading the century trilogy! It took about 3 years but it was worth doing that.

In the final book, world situation from 1960s to 1980s was depicted. So impressing! I was so moved that I cried. In trilogy, from before WW1 to after the unification of east/west Germany. Magnificent! Characters are consist of 3 generations. The family tree in the head of the book helped me.

Main regions are east/west Berlin, USSR and USA, Vietnam and other European country are also depicted.

ついに、Century trilogyを読了しました。三年近くかかった…。三巻立て(文庫だと何冊か分かりません)、総ページ数3000強、第一次世界大戦前からベルリンの壁崩壊までを描いた群像劇。登場人物も三世代、誰が誰だかわからなくなりがちですが、本の先頭には家系図があるので大丈夫です。

